Friday, October 17, 2014


Welcome! If you are reading this you are probably related to me, either by blood or by friendship. If you're not, I'm still glad for your interest. I am writing this from the bay window of the big, yellow Victorian house with push-button light switches were I now live. Out the left side of my window is the refurbished-barn studio where an easel has been placed in one corner with my name on it and where I am learning to see, to trust my hands, to live generously, to change the world and to let it change me. I have joined the 6th year of a full-time visual art course called Free Columbia. Free because the course is a gift from the teachers to whoever feels moved to join them. There is no required tuition, and in a world of price tags, this is pretty revolutionary. My experience here is made possible by the gifts of people all over the world who think it is important that money not stand between anyone and their desire to develop themselves creatively. I also give to Free Columbia, and so do most of my classmates, but out of support for the program and not in payment for the right to be here. In a small way, I think that makes a big difference. Enough about money. What we really fill our days with is much more interesting! I'll get on with telling you about that...